Lesson 1, Topic 1
In Progress

Mineral wool insulation materials glass wool, rock wool, slag wool

Isolieren eines Daches


  • Since 1996, mineral wool insulation materials have been produced that are not considered carcinogenic.
  • Coarser fibers (fiber fragments) can also cause skin, eye or respiratory tract irritation when handling new products.

General information

  • Since June 1, 2000, only KMF insulation materials that are considered harmless (free of suspected cancer) according to the Hazardous Substances Ordinance may be produced and processed in Germany.
RAL Gütezeichen Mineralwolle

Protective measures

Technical and organizational protective measures

The following minimum measures must be observed:

  • Prefer prefabricated or laminated mineral wool insulation materials.
  • Only unpack packaged insulation materials at the workplace.
  • Do not throw material.
  • Ensure good ventilation at the workplace.
  • Avoid stirring up dust.
  • Cut with a knife and scissors on a firm surface.
  • Do not use high-speed, motor-driven saws without extraction.
  • Keep the workplace clean, clean regularly. Vacuum with an industrial vacuum cleaner (dust class M) instead of sweeping.
  • Collect offcuts and waste in suitable containers, e.g. plastic bags. Do not squeeze out the air when closing the bags.
  • Mineral wool installed after June 2000 should be removed with as little dust as possible, taking into account the protective measures listed here.

Personal and hygienic protective measures

  • Wear loose-fitting, closed work clothing and, if necessary, gloves (e.g. leather or nitrile-coated cotton gloves).
  • Wear safety goggles in case of heavy dust formation or overhead work. As a precautionary measure, wear a half mask with P2 filter or FFP2 particle-filtering half mask to protect against respiratory tract irritation.
  • Wash off dust from the skin after finishing work.

Occupational health care

  • Arrange occupational health care according to the results of the risk assessment (mandatory care) or offer it (optional care). Advice on this from the company doctor.