Lesson 1, Topic 1
In Progress

Storage rooms for flammable liquids


  • Fires and explosions may occur.

Protective measures

  • Flammable liquids can be recognized by the following characteristics:
  • Flammable liquids are classified as follows:
    • extremely flammable: Liquids with a flash point of less than 23 °C and a boiling point of 35 °C or less,
    • highly flammable: Liquids with a flash point lower than 23 °C,
    • flammable: Liquids with a flash point between 23 °C and 60 °C.
  • The Flash point of a flammable liquid is the lowest temperature at which vapors develop from the liquid to be tested in a closed crucible under specified conditions in such quantities that a flammable vapor-air mixture forms in the crucible due to external ignition.

Impermissible storageThe storage of flammable liquids is not permitted:

  • in passageways and passages,
  • in stairwells,
  • in generally accessible corridors,
  • on the roofs of residential buildings, hospitals, office buildings and similar buildings and in their attics,
  • in workrooms,
  • in restaurants and bars.

Storage conditions

Up to 20 liters of flammable liquid (including up to 10 liters of extremely flammable liquid) may be stored outside warehouses. If quantities in excess of this are stored, the following conditions must be observed:

  • Hazardous substances may only be stored in the original containers. The containers must be sealed.
  • Hazardous substances must be stored in such a way that any substances released can be easily identified and disposed of. Released substances must be disposed of immediately. The necessary protective equipment must be kept within easy reach.
  • The warehouse should have a sufficiently resistant floor. Containers with liquid hazardous substances must be placed in drip pans. The drip trays must be able to collect 10 % of the contents of the containers, but at least the contents of the largest container. If flammable liquids are stored, the drip trays must be earthed. Substances that react with each other must not be placed on top of the same drip tray. The collection containers must be checked regularly for leaking substances and these must be removed.
  • Electrical devices and installations must be EX-protected. Ignition sources must be avoided.
  • The warehouse must be easily illuminated.
  • The storage area must be ventilated. Natural ventilation is sufficient if ventilation openings leading directly to the outside with a total cross-section of at least 1/100 of the floor area of the storage room, but at least two ventilation openings at floor and ceiling height of at least 100 cm each, are provided.2are present. These must not be covered or taped up. The openings must be checked regularly.
  • No food may be stored in the camp. Eating, drinking and smoking are prohibited.
  • The warehouse must be equipped with fire extinguishing equipment.
  • Only authorized persons may have access to the warehouse. These persons must be instructed on the basis of operating instructions.
  • The storage door must be marked with the warning signs "No entry", "No naked flames" and "Warning of explosive atmosphere":
  • An alarm plan and a storage list must be drawn up. If the warehouse is to be operated for more than 6 months, a notification of the warehouse is required. Further measures depend on the hazard level of the storage facility. This results from the water hazard class of the stored products and their quantity.
Hazard levels of bearings
Determining the hazard levelsWater hazard class
Volume in m³ or mass in t123
≤ 0.22 or 0.2Level ALevel ALevel A
> 0.22 or 0.2 < 1Level ALevel ALevel B
> 1 ≤ 10Level ALevel BLevel C
> 10 ≤ 100Level BLevel CLevel D
> 100 ≤ 1000Level BLevel DLevel D
> 1000Level CLevel DLevel D

Above-ground storage facilities of hazard level B, C or D are subject to a suitability assessment.
Warehouses of hazard level C or D may only be set up by recognized specialist companies.
Bearings of hazard levels B, C and D must be inspected regularly by an expert.
Stricter regulations apply to underground storage facilities and storage facilities in water protection areas (see AwSV).